
Do's And Don Ts Images


Visuals tell better stories than any written form of content. That is why children's storybooks have a lot of visuals to support the story.

The same applies to PowerPoint presentations. Visuals create a greater impact compared to plain text presentations.

We all love images because they capture thinks that cannot be expressed in words.

Images are popular form of visuals. We also incorporate images into PowerPoint to help us communicate in a more visual and captivating way.

Here are a few pointers on the correct use of images in  PowerPoint.

1. Blurry Images

Avoid selecting select blurry images as these cast a very poor impression and it's impossible to tell what the message conveys.


Select images of high quality.

2. Blurry And Distorted Images

Never use low resolution stretched images.


Use good quality images in an optimal size that does not distort the image.

3. Right Placement Of An Image

Do not use tiny image(s) on a slide. This results in negative space and creates an imbalance.

Right placement of an image

Balance image on slide with content.

4. Correct Picture Arrangement And Title Visibility

Avoid stretching and compressing images when you try to fit multiple images in a slide with a title. Especially in a 4:3 slide.

Correct picture arrangement and title visibility

Make sure images are not stretched and are well aligned with each other.

5. Do Not Combine Photographs And Clipart Graphics

Never use a mix of clipart and photographs in a slide. It creates an imbalance.

Do not combine photographs and clipart graphics

Choose only one type of graphic element, either image or clipart.

6. Use of Pictures With Watermark

Don't use images with watermarks in your work.

Use of pictures with watermark

If you have to use a watermarked image, do so after purchasing it from the source/owner.

Resources: How to Choose Right Colour for your Presentation

7. How to Crop an Image

Do not crop an image in such a way that it looks deformed or uneven.

How to crop an image

Make sure you get a balanced output when you crop an image.

8. Cropping Basics (how to crop photos for function and meaning)

Here, the photographs are not consistent. The size of the main objects (head) are different.

Cropping basics (how to crop photos for function and meaning)

Here, the face of the person in each picture is the focus point and all the photographs have similar proportions.

9. Using The Right Image Based on The Content

Don't use irrelevant images that are out of context.

Using the right image based on the content 2

The image used here is relevant to the heading 'Digital'.

10. Text Placement on Images - 1

Place text in areas where it is easily noticeable and pops out.

Text Placement on Images 1

11. Text Placement on Images - 2

Never place text in an area of a picture which is distracting and/ or results in reducing readability.

Text Placement on Images 2

Place text in an area with an empty background making sure that it is readable and that it does not affect the visual impact of the picture.

12. Avoid Overusing Images in a Slide

Don't overload slides with images.

Avoid overusing images in a slide

Instead of using multiple images, use just one image that emphasizes the slide's message.

13. Overlaying Images

Don't overlay an image on top of another image. It can be very distracting.

Overlaying images

Follow the rule of thirds when you crop or place any image on a slide.  Keep the content on one side of the image.

14. Correct Way of Using a Photograph

Here, since the focus of the photograph is all over the area, the subject's head has been cut off.

Correct way of using a-photograph

The focus point of this photograph is on the laptop. We do not really need to see the person's face, so in such an instance it is okay to cut off the head.

15. Flipping Images

Do not rotate or flip any image without considering some obvious mistakes.

Flipping images

The Label"F"on the cap here is an example of a flip-gone-wrong. There are some images you can flip horizontally with ease, but you have to be careful when you do that.

16. Picture Placement

The girl in this slide is is floating in the air and pointing away from the screen. There is no connection between the girl and text.

Picture placement

If the figure of a person is cut, always align to the edge of the border. The right side image makes more sense and looks good.

17. Images With Text

Do not cover people's faces when you layout a slide.

Images with text

Always try to find the best possible placement of a shape/ text without covering people faces.

18. Don't Zoom In an Image

It is hard to understand the point being made by an image if it is extremely enlarged.

Don't zoom in an image

Make sure to understand the meaning of the image while cropping and placing it on a slide. The right side  image is easy to understand. It is evident that the context is a discussion about finance, numbers, etc.

19. Extensive Text And Pictures on a Slide

Do not combine extensive text and pictures on a slide.

Adding pictures to the slides makes the message clearer and more persuasive. But one should avoid speaking and showing a slide with extensive text and pictures because it will make a less effective communicator. Slides should contain text or pictures with sparse text.

For e.g., imagine you need to brief your executives on sales and market shares and market shares trend shares and discuss some potential solutions. Your audience will understand you up to twice as well if you  use a text-only slide or a picture slide with sparse text.

Extensive text and pictures on a slide

20. Images With Distracting Backgrounds

Avoid using backgrounds that could distract a viewer from the main focus point of the slide.

Images with distracting backgrounds

You can always adjust the background image or graphic element to make it blend into the background.

21. Suitable Background Graphic

Avoid using background graphics that could distract a viewer from the main focus point of the slide.

Suitable background graphic

You can always adjust the background image or graphic element to make it blend into the background.

22. Shape Filled With an Image -1

Do not fill shapes with images without adjusting for a good fit. Because of the image's dimensions, it could turn into something like the above.

Shape filled with an image

23. Shape Filled With an Image -2

At times, because of the dimension of an image, when you fill a shape or turn it into a circular image, you can see a cut-off part on the image. See the example above.

Shape filled with an image 2

To avoid this kind of an issue, you can either adjust the image with an Offset option (see inserted screenshot) or add an additional shape, with same background color, behind the image.

10 Easy Tips to Choose the Right Images for Presentations

24. Use Pictures That Relate to The Content - 1

None of the above phone are Windows phones. If the content is very specific to a brand name, the example image should be of the same brand.

Use pictures that relate to the content

Here is an example of images of Windows phones.

25. Use Pictures That Relate to The Content - 2

The content is talking about Microsoft Windows, but the example image is an Apple Notebook (laptop). There is no logo or name on the laptop but it still looks more like an Apple product than a Microsoft product.

Use pictures that relate to the content

Here, a suitable image showing a Windows Laptop is used.

If you have reached the 25th right way of using images, you would by now have a clear visual of using images in PowerPoint presentations.

The above points are the necessary design requirements that can have huge impact in the way you PowerPoint look.

Use these tips for your next presentation to give your deck a professional look. And don't forget to share these valuable tips with your colleagues.

Do's And Don Ts Images


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